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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: First Ever Horror Oscars…I Mean…Igor Awards!

So here Remy and I are, with our own little horror column, wondering what to write about the week after horror yet again exists as the biggest Oscar snub of them all (except for Wreck-It Ralph which was 10x better than Brave!!!!) - and thus the Igor Awards are born. Well, born here at least. Universal has the Eyegore Awards during their Halloween Horror Nights, but ours pay tribute to that hunchbacked sidekick who will forever live in infamy.

Most WTF!? Kill:

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…and the Igor goes to:

First Elevator Wave: Cabin In The Woods

We actually hesitated on picking Cabin In The Woods here because article after article we’ve talked about how epic this horror masterpiece’s final act is, but there’s a reason why. While almost going with Excision because of the emotional impact, or The Collection out of complete flabbergasting absurdity, Cabin In The Woods still wins by a pretty large margin.

Goddard and Whedon go from 0 to 60 in terms of pacing, insanity, creativity, and overwhelming horror entertainment in such a spectacular way, it’s impossible not to ignore the hilarious beauty of this killer highlight reel. I mean one minute you’ve got the dismembering goblins, another cut and you’re at a clown, then the scarecrows, merman, giant bat – hell, we even get to watch a unicorn impale someone! There’s too much variety in this evil villain grab bag not to enjoy our cornucopia of excitement, winning Cabin In The Woods a much deserved Igor.