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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror Babes Retrospective 2000-2010

Well, Remy and I weren't really sure what to do this week for our Last Stand article, but if there's one thing the internet has taught me, it's when you're bored, just Google hot ladies. I suggested this to Remy, and thus our shrine to the best "Horror Babes" is now under construction, which we'll sporadically revisit to highlight the most bodacious, enthralling, and entrancing horror beauties for specified decades.

Nato – Jessica Paré: Suck

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Yes, Jessica Paré, or better known as the naked girl bathing with Craig Robinson in Hot Tub Time Machine. But pay no attention to her voluptuous rack, and instead her seductive role as a rockstar bass player who accepts the life of a vampire for fame and fortune. A very alluring, hypnotic vampire that is, minus her grossly unattractive eating habits. Whatever, I just wouldn’t watch. But, bar non, vampires ar the most sultry, sexy, and insatiable creatures in horror if done right. Mix that with an in your face rocker chick attitude while watching her slay audiences on stage, and WOOF. Where do I sign up to be her eternal groupie?

Remy – Yeong Ae-Lee: Lady Vengeance

This is one of those movies that takes a minute to get going, but once you catch up with the story, and figure out what Lee’s character, Guem, has been put through, your mind just gets blown, and then it gets blown again and again. South Korean revenge movies (this one being part of the Vengeance trilogy, also featuring the brilliant and timeless Oldboy) are the very best at conveying the desperation of those moments, and the moral quandaries one would be placed in had they been in such a situation. But the movie is only going to be as good as its titular character, who, in this case, is jaw dropping. She is weak one moment, being victimized by the man she loved, and then, in the next minute, she is cold and detached, as she would need to be in such a situation. A role and an actress who just don’t get enough due credit, to be honest.

Now it’s your turn! Feel free to let Remy and I know how we did with our selections, and let us know some of your favorite female horror characters from the selected time frame!

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s article where we discuss who you’d want backing you in the zombie apocalypse!