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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Home Invasion Horror

With The Purge and You're Next right around the corner, Remy and I thought now would be an appropriate time to discuss "home invasion horror." You know, those films that show a family or group of people minding their own business in either their own house or someone else's, only to have some sick, twisted bastards show up and crank the horror knob up a few notches. Whether it's a robbery, for fun, in honor of Satan, or for any reason, home invasion films are effective because of the terrifying realism that anyone can break into your house at any time. Your home is supposed to represent safety, a sanctuary from the outside world if you will, so the utter thought that someone can just barge in and threaten your safety at will is prime material for a horror flick, causing nothing but irrational fear. Sorry, did you want to sleep tonight or something?

The Strangers from The Strangers

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the strangers

Much like Funny Games, here’s another case of victims only getting murdered because they were home. And the irony was, the two people victimized in this film would have not been in that house any other night. But wrong place, wrong time as they say.

Admittedly, every mask in The Strangers scares the shit out of me. Pillow case head is terrifying. Pin up girl is soul-ruining. And Baby doll is the worst of all. They are not bloody, and they don’t have horns, but honestly, they don’t need any of those to be monsters. Just the shot of Liv Tyler in her kitchen, with the pillow case head guy standing behind her in the shadow of the other room, is one of the creepiest shots in the last decade of horror.

And that final shot, with all three of them, standing calmly over the tied up couple, ready to end it, is really unforgettable.