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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Are They Dead Yet?

Ok, not to get all morbid again right after Remy and I recently talked about apocalypse music, movie character zombie posses, and smoldering horror babes, but the two of us are jumping back on the negativity train once again. This week, we'll be attacking those NOT so lovable characters that populate our horror films, undoubtably pissing us off to the nth degree.Be it someone who is a flat-out unenjoyable dick, or whiney pain, or just a poorly written personality not worth a single minute of screen time, these are the characters who we wish the most gratuitous death scene possible upon - and fast.

Nato: David From Shaun Of The Dead

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Ok, I know, he’s SUPPOSED to be the hateable character, but Dylan Moran played “annoying and irritating” too well. Far too well in fact. So well, in fact, it was impossible not to wish for David’s comeuppance for being a terrible little weenie who would rather sacrifice others than help Shaun and the rest. There’s no such thing as being a pacifist in the apocalypse, and David did nothing but waste oxygen meant for people trying to fight for their lives. A funny and enjoyable character maybe, but the group should have used him for zombie bait the minute he started his baby back bitching. Lucky for us, he goes out in pretty lavish fashion (you can check it out below). Thanks Edgar Wright!

Remy: Busta Rhymes from that last, shitty Halloween

Honestly, do I even need to say anything here? Didn’t think so. Wooha, I got you all in check.

*Drops mic and walks off

Now it’s your turn! Feel free to let Remy and I know how we did with our selections, and let us know some characters you couldn’t wait to see meet their bitter end!

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s article where we list some of our favorite horror babes from 2000-2010!