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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Are They Dead Yet?

Ok, not to get all morbid again right after Remy and I recently talked about apocalypse music, movie character zombie posses, and smoldering horror babes, but the two of us are jumping back on the negativity train once again. This week, we'll be attacking those NOT so lovable characters that populate our horror films, undoubtably pissing us off to the nth degree.Be it someone who is a flat-out unenjoyable dick, or whiney pain, or just a poorly written personality not worth a single minute of screen time, these are the characters who we wish the most gratuitous death scene possible upon - and fast.

Nato: T-Dog from The Walking Dead

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Alright, no one said these had to be movie characters, and sorry T-Dog, but you served ABSOLUTELY no purpose until Season 3, where, well, you know, but still, I’m focusing on the time he spent standing on porches and leaning against trees. Seriously, what purpose did he serve besides being the resident token black guy, getting sick that one time and bogging the group down, doing a little bit of preaching, and blending into the background? It’s not that I hated T-Dog, but I mean, how else are characters supposed to be removed from the zombie apocalypse? He was in a safe group, why would T-Dog leave? Well, being munched by the undead is a pretty good way to get him out, being that the RV got more screen time than our overlooked survivor.

Remy: Randy from Scream 2

Okay, I will admit it: I hate Jamie Kennedy. And as much as I LOVED my people being represented (horror movie geeks) in film, why did they have to represent us with such a douche bag? I know why, mind you. He was the decoy. The one we were ALL supposed to think was the killer in the first movie (because he knew all the rules and was dedicated to his knowledge of horror). He was there to distract from who the real killer (or killers) was (or were). And you sort of expected him to die throughout the entirety of the movie, because characters like him ALWAYS get killed off. So to see him make it to the end of the movie was a real tease for me. Thankfully, Wes Craven knew what the people wanted, and gave it to us in part two. And of course, because it is the Scream series, I am still not completely convinced we won’t see him again, unfortunately. But barring that deus-ex from ever happening, seeing Jamie Kennedy die was something I found immensely enjoying. Now life, hurry up and imitate art.