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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water…

In an uncharacteristic showing of gratitude, Remy and I decided to save this week's topic until summer was almost over. Why? Because this week we're writing about our favorite underwater creature flicks, and we'll be talking about all those evil movies that make you stay as far away from the beach as possible. See, we were nice enough not to ruin any of your aquatic-themed vacations this summer - we aren't that mean.

Nato – Jaws

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Yes, I know Remy and I usually pull from stranger, more obscure titles, but now that doesn’t mean we don’t respect the classics as well. Seriously, without the films that started it all, we wouldn’t have the flashier copy-cats of today, and if we’re talking classic sea creature movies, literally EVERYONE in the world will point to Jaws as the most iconic example of shark infested terror.

I don’t really need to explain why this movie is so legendary, right? Starring Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, and Richard Dreyfuss – among other notable actors – director Steven Spielberg scared numerous people away from most every body of water, as I’m assuming the summer of 1975 was a financial bomb for most beach-front businesses. Seriously, the first time I saw Jaws I was vacationing on a lake in the Adirondacks, but I still was afraid a great white was stalking me at all times under the murky waters. Yup, that set back my water-skiing days a bit.

Remy – Creature From the Black Lagoon


I very rarely give props to “Golden Age” horror, because it just seems so removed from what we all currently love, but we need to not forget “Golden Age” horror is what started the trend, and without it, we would not have horror as we know it today.

No single creature of olden day films was as cool or as creepy as The Creature From The Black Lagoon. First of all, he wanted our women, and that is very messed up. Second, we need to think about his makeup. That shit was unreal. It was a full head to toe costume, and allowed the wearer complete freedom of movement, and the water did nothing to make the actual suit look bad. You can watch it now, and that monster design is STILL cool as hell and stands the test of time. Plus, most of the creatures you will see on this list are oddly shaped, more like sea creatures, and I wanted to give props to this movie for making it man-like. For all intents and purposes, the actual creature from the Black Lagoon is a male, feral mermaid, and that is some gangster shit.