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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 80s Horror Films We Actually WANT To See Remade

Remy and I have stated our feelings on the remake game already, but in all honesty, we have no choice but to give in. Between all the classic horror movies remade already and the ones slated for release in the next few years, it seems every noteworthy genre film will be remade within the next five years whether we like it or not. Should some of these films actually be updated with technology and new ideas? No f#cking way. Do Remy and I have a say in that choice? No f#cking way.

Nato – Cat People

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A remake of the 1982 erotic horror Cat People (which was already a remake itself)? People turning into cats? Incestuous brothers and sisters? Oh come on, this is a goldmine of material waiting to be re-remade.

In the original, we’re introduced to werecats, a species who have a horrid sexual situation. If they shag a normal human, they turn into a black leopard or some type of cat, and the only way to turn human again is to murder someone. Their other option? They can mate with another werecat, but since there are so few, they usually end up shagging brothers or sisters. Yes, essentially the film boils down to Malcolm McDowell trying to have sex with his unwilling sister (Nastassja Kinski).

But I feel there hasn’t been a solid erotic thriller in a while, and with a kinky concept like this, how isn’t there a twisted mind out there chomping at the bit to reinvent this psychotic tale of pussy chasing. Plus, how funny would it be watching some helpless romantic go blindly into a remake of Cat People, thinking it might be along the lines of a now typical romantic oddity like Twilight? Gorgeous actors, murders, and overwhelming amounts of nudity – I’m in.