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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 80s Horror Films We Actually WANT To See Remade

Remy and I have stated our feelings on the remake game already, but in all honesty, we have no choice but to give in. Between all the classic horror movies remade already and the ones slated for release in the next few years, it seems every noteworthy genre film will be remade within the next five years whether we like it or not. Should some of these films actually be updated with technology and new ideas? No f#cking way. Do Remy and I have a say in that choice? No f#cking way.

Remy – Chopping Mall

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My dear Matt told me this one IS getting rebooted, so that dismayed me slightly (because my initial angle was thinking of films that could NOT be remade), but still, there will always be room in my heart for a janitor robot that turns evil and starts mauling people in a mall in ridiculously over-the-top ways. My only real opposition would come from the fact that they would make the robots CG, and that is just NOT okay. CGI ruins horror, straight up. I want some old school effects company to build an awesome robot (think an evil version of Wall-E) that maims people. I want there to be squibs, lots of denim, and robots that look silly. For this to work, they NEED to know just how cheesy the source material, and embrace said cheese by the curd.