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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 80s Horror Films We Actually WANT To See Remade

Remy and I have stated our feelings on the remake game already, but in all honesty, we have no choice but to give in. Between all the classic horror movies remade already and the ones slated for release in the next few years, it seems every noteworthy genre film will be remade within the next five years whether we like it or not. Should some of these films actually be updated with technology and new ideas? No f#cking way. Do Remy and I have a say in that choice? No f#cking way.

Nato – Videodrome

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I know a remake of Videodrome has already been announced with decorated commercial director Adam Berg attached to direct a script by Ehren Kruger, but the point of this article is to highlight 80s movies we actually want to see remade, and boy do I want to see a Videodrome remake, like, now. I mean there’s no denying David Cronenberg is the master of visceral body horror, depicted by the veiny, skin-like TV screen in the picture above, but with even more technological advances in the ways effects are created today, Videodrome could really be a beauty of an acid trip.

I also happen to think the themes would weigh even heavier in today’s word of mindless television that peddles even more ruthless violence and sleazy sex. Would writers have to ramp up the material in Videodrome because of films like Hostel and Saw which already exist, pushing the boundaries of torture?

As it is, it’s reported that Krueger’s script will “modernize the concept, infusing it with the possibilities of nano-technology and blow it up into a large-scale sci-fi action thriller,” but I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that. My want is for an even darker and more sinister Videodrome program to mesmerize whoever the lead character may be, something that brings even more squirmy horror to an already mentally stimulating concept.