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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 80s Horror Films We Actually WANT To See Remade

Remy and I have stated our feelings on the remake game already, but in all honesty, we have no choice but to give in. Between all the classic horror movies remade already and the ones slated for release in the next few years, it seems every noteworthy genre film will be remade within the next five years whether we like it or not. Should some of these films actually be updated with technology and new ideas? No f#cking way. Do Remy and I have a say in that choice? No f#cking way.

Remy – Rawhead Rex

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As you all know, I am mentally disturbed, so expect this piece and my reasoning to be highly irrational, per usual.

My first pick, Rawhead Rex, was a Clive Barker story from The Books of Blood. I grew up with a real adoration for Clive Barker, and anytime his work would get adapted to screen, it would peak my interest instantly. Thing is, when Rawhead Rex was made into a movie, the studios sort of lost sight of what made the story so unsettling, and just wanted to get a new Clive Barker movie out after the success of Hellraiser – so they made a movie about a giant demon that killed people.

Thing is, in the story, he looked like a giant penis, thus the name RAW HEAD. The point of the story was the horrifying, phallic beast tearing people apart with patriarchal sexual metaphors. I think we have matured enough as a society that we can handle this film being rebooted, having a director actually make Rex look like a giant cock, thus making it exceptional (and exceptionally f*cked up).