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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 2014’s Most Underrated Horror Movies – Part I

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think you could get rid of us that easily, Internet? Hell no! While I hit a tremendous rough patch, getting buried under the pile of screeners now stacked erratically throughout my apartment, there have been too many damn good horror movies getting overlooked this year - and I don't like that one bit. Neither does my partner-in-crime Remy. You have to understand that Hollywood has a weird phobia against giving some of the best horror movies mainstream releases, and they fall idly into line with a slew of other forgettable to average Video On Demand releases - but they're ripe for the picking. To prove these diamonds in the rough exist, I've sounded the "Conch of Doom" and summoned back Remy, and we're ready once again to support the horror genre.

Nato – Stage Fright

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I cannot sing Stage Fright‘s praises enough. While I’ll classify this horror musical as Glee meets Scream, please understand that Stage Fright boast much more style than that simple blurb. Writer/Director/Composer Jerome Sable mixes hardcore 80s slasher mentalities with perky, sing-songy theatrical numbers and shred-tastic hair metal numbers. I mean, it’s about a theater camp run by Meat Loaf that comes under attack by a serial killer who hates musical theater – pretty much a wet dream for any Glee haters who want to see Gleeks murdered in the goriest fashions possible.

Opening up against South by Southwest Midnighter features like Oculus and Exists, I left Austin most excited about this full-throttle horror comedy that lampoons nerdy theater cultures and generic horror movies. How many ghost stories and “found footage” horror movies can be crammed down one’s throat before we’re begging for a sweet release from horror’s growing generic normalcy?! Well, step back from that ledge my friend, Stage Fright is that unique, original bit of horror cinema that comes along and proves filmmakers haven’t gone stale on ambitious projects some would consider a gamble.

Stage Fright is a rare hybrid film that won’t single out horror fans with showtunes or vice versa, being a horror film that has a very good chance of ending up in my year-end Top 10. I knew I went to South by Southwest for a reason.