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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 2014’s Most Underrated Horror Movies – Part I

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think you could get rid of us that easily, Internet? Hell no! While I hit a tremendous rough patch, getting buried under the pile of screeners now stacked erratically throughout my apartment, there have been too many damn good horror movies getting overlooked this year - and I don't like that one bit. Neither does my partner-in-crime Remy. You have to understand that Hollywood has a weird phobia against giving some of the best horror movies mainstream releases, and they fall idly into line with a slew of other forgettable to average Video On Demand releases - but they're ripe for the picking. To prove these diamonds in the rough exist, I've sounded the "Conch of Doom" and summoned back Remy, and we're ready once again to support the horror genre.

Nato – Nurse 3D

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What do you get when you mix the exotic sexuality of Paz De La Huerta, the utter insanity of a darkly comic midnight movie, random nudity, bloody slayings, and short, skimpy nurses outfits? You get one glorious mindf#ck of a B-Movie that’s equal parts gleefully funny and downright raunchy, opting for a more comedic take on the serial killer genre. You know, the kind of film that makes Paz De La Huerta a black widow preying on cheating men, luring them in and only leaving their bones behind. In other words, sexy, wild fun.

Douglas Aarniokoski hasn’t exactly impressed with his past features, but from the very first advertisement for Nurse 3D – a naked De La Huerta wearing a thick layer of blood as clothing, the horror fan in me couldn’t help but be curious. Could Aarniokoski balance dark humor and gorehound appeasing kills? Would Nurse 3D be another one of his half-baked affairs? It absolutely COULD have been, but Paz De La Huerta asserts herself with a genre performance for the ages, appearing both as an iconic sex symbol and vicious man-eater. The sad part is, knowing the consequences, I’d still spend a night with Paz, in character, as murderous nurse Abby. Totally worth it.

Oh, and like you need any more reasons to watch Nurse 3D, you get to see Paz De La Huerta and Katrina Bowden hook up. Right. I think that’s about enough reasoning right there. Maybe adding that Judd Nelson plays a womanizing doctor? Yeah, that should do it. Nurse 3D is some of the most entertaining B-Movie work I’ve seen in a while, making a perfect watch for you and your like-minded miscreants. This is self-aware, gratuitous horror created solely for laughs, gasps, and “WTF” moments – done right for once.