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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 2014’s Most Underrated Horror Movies – Part I

Oh, I'm sorry, did you think you could get rid of us that easily, Internet? Hell no! While I hit a tremendous rough patch, getting buried under the pile of screeners now stacked erratically throughout my apartment, there have been too many damn good horror movies getting overlooked this year - and I don't like that one bit. Neither does my partner-in-crime Remy. You have to understand that Hollywood has a weird phobia against giving some of the best horror movies mainstream releases, and they fall idly into line with a slew of other forgettable to average Video On Demand releases - but they're ripe for the picking. To prove these diamonds in the rough exist, I've sounded the "Conch of Doom" and summoned back Remy, and we're ready once again to support the horror genre.

stage fright

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Oh, I’m sorry, did you think you could get rid of us that easily, Internet? Hell no! While I hit a tremendous rough patch, getting buried under the pile of screeners now stacked erratically throughout my apartment, there have been too many damn good horror movies getting overlooked this year – and I don’t like that one bit. Neither does my partner-in-crime, Remy. You have to understand that Hollywood has a weird phobia against giving some of the best horror movies mainstream releases, and they fall idly into line with a slew of other forgettable to average Video On Demand releases – but they’re ripe for the picking. To prove these diamonds in the rough exist, I’ve sounded the “Conch of Doom” and summoned back Remy, and we’re ready once again to support the horror genre.

While I’ve broken some of my own rules this year (never trust a horror movie starring a musical artist/never trust a horror movie starring Billy Zane), these pitfalls are necessary in my quest for unnerving, sometimes hilarious, bone-chilling, and downright unbeatable horror. You can’t appreciate the highs if you have no lows to compare them to, making an awesome horror flick that much more rewarding to watch. Sadistic nurses, evil computer programs, living undead people, musical slashers – when is Hollywood going to learn that horror lovers don’t appreciate being force fed the same generic vanilla paste?

*Remy note: What you will notice with my choices is that each one takes a concept and horror trope that has been used before, and does something original and brand new with it. If horror keeps up with this trend, it is heading in an incredible direction, and gives me more hope for the genre than I have had in years.

Ah, sorry, we’re rambling – I know you’re all super excited we’re back (what I mean is you’re just here for our recommendations), so let’s actually get to the movies. I know my role.

Click on to check out some of 2014’s most underrated horror films so far!