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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: 2011’s Best Horror Films

When Matt and I began discussing 2011, and doing a best of list, we actually had a few moments of impasse. I tend to take the blame for that because I admit, I like some weird-ass shit. I often peel layers away and try to find things that some wouldn't notice. In most cases, though, I end up finding things that are't even there. At which point, I blame the drugs and crawl back into my pillow fort to cry myself to sleep while listening to Enya. In those instances, Matt just takes the reigns and acts as the single, sane voice of both of us, which I am forever indebted to him for. In this case, I took the odd numbers, and Matt took the even numbers, and joining forces, we created the ULTIMATE Top Ten Horror Films for 2011. Now if you are wondering why we are not doing a best of 2012 list, just be aware, him and I both already have plans to do so singularly, so be on the lookout for both.

10) Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

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Part horror spoof, part straight up horror comedy, writer/director Eli Craig breathed crisp, fresh air into the stale co-ed slasher genre by grabbing its ankles and flipping it smack on its head. Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine play Tucker and Dale respectively, two lovable hillbillies vacationing in the mountains for some serious relaxation, until a group of college kids who’ve seen too many horror movies mistake them for backwoods killer types hell bent on offing them one by one. What follows is a slew of accidental deaths, a confused pair of friends stuck in a violent situation, and glorious Katrina Bowden in her underwear. How can’t that be a bona fide hit? But seriously, all kidding aside, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil had gut-busting moments true horror fans will love, mocking the genre in an ingeniously inventive way, along with death scenes that stick with you long after the film. Hell, these are some of the best horror kills of the year even. Kudos to Eli Craig for making a horror comedy that isn’t Scary Movie, and absolutely destroying the competition.

– Nato

9) Detention

I know it could be called sci-fi. I know it could be called comedy. I know it could be called teen-romance. I fully realize all these things, but it was sold and marketed as a horror film, so that is how we will label it. While not as gory and unsettling as some of the other films on this list, Detention may be one of the wittiest and most lighthearted journeys you will ever take through a horror film. The cast is perfectly assembled, and the story, which is FAR more complicated than the simple trailer leads on, giving us a Breakfast Club meets Scream meets Looper type film. If that isn’t enough to sell you on Detention, there’s a time traveling bear from a planet called Starclaw. Again, there is a time traveling bear from a planet called Starclaw. How that didn’t place Joseph Kahn’s film as number one is beyond me, but I bet if I took a time traveling bear back thirty minutes, the answer would be far more clear to me. Hold on, I will be right back.


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