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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Which Celebrities Would You Ride The Rapture Out With?

Did you honestly think Remy and I could watch This Is The End without drafting our own dream team of celebrities to ride out the rapture with? With such an awesome concept and equally awesome execution, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's apocalyptic comedy shows a bunch of celebrities attempting to survive the rapture in James Franco's fortress of a house, and while their ensemble cast was an absolute comedic supergroup, Remy and I just had to put our own spin on the whole "celebrities caught in the rapture" scenario.

Remy: Kimbo Slice

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Alright, don’t think I added Kimbo because of that stupid “token black guy” horror cliche. The man is 300 pounds of pure rage and muscle, and a proven street brawler. None of that fake-ass WWE shit. Kimbo grew up actually beating the hell out of people, and instead of taking a break to recite some hack dialogue backstage, he went out and beat the hell out of more people. So if some group tried to take us over so they could eat us, Kimbo could just start ripping guy’s heads off and tossing them at other guys like screaming brain grenades. Kimbo Slice also looks like he could punch through walls if they got in our way, so that factored into him being in the group as well.