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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Which Celebrities Would You Ride The Rapture Out With?

Did you honestly think Remy and I could watch This Is The End without drafting our own dream team of celebrities to ride out the rapture with? With such an awesome concept and equally awesome execution, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's apocalyptic comedy shows a bunch of celebrities attempting to survive the rapture in James Franco's fortress of a house, and while their ensemble cast was an absolute comedic supergroup, Remy and I just had to put our own spin on the whole "celebrities caught in the rapture" scenario.

Nato: Craig Robinson

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Alright, I know this is cheap because he was actually in This Is The End, but if you’ve only got one epic party to live out while the world goes to hell around you, why the hell wouldn’t you want Craig Robinson there? He absolutely stole the show despite being surrounded by Seth Rogen, James Franco, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel, so why wouldn’t he stand out around my lame ass? He’s built like a brick shithouse, is one of the funniest dudes in Hollywood right now, and has the voice of a damn angel. Plus, his experiences in This Is The End no doubt would make him think twice about being a coward, and would probably make him a tremendous team player. But again, hearing his beautiful lyrical genius playing out my final moments on Earth would be equally important. I’m still singing “Take Your Panties Off” how many days after my screening? I probably couldn’t handle his midriff, but if I’m chilling out during the rapture, a fully shirted Craig Robinson better be there.