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Nato And Remy’s Netflix Watch Instantly Halloween Recommendations: Foreign Frightfests!

We're one week closer to Halloween, and that also means you've got one more week's worth of Netflix Watch Instantly recommendations coming your way to help celebrate the Halloween season. We've already brought you three different sub-genres worth of picks, totalling eighteen movies, but we've still got six more coming your way - and we did a little traveling this time.

Remy – Hell

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Hell is a post-apocalyptic vision of the end of the world, but not at all how we expect it. While most end-of-the-world movies use an attack, or complete global catastrophe, Hell uses something as simple as the sun burning a little hotter and brighter. It’s a much more toned-down (and therefore effective) way of showing us such a scenario, because it is inherently believable throughout the entirety of this film.

Hell focuses on one family (sort of) who get separated by a rather nefarious group of survivors, and the HELL they must go through to find each other and escape their hunters.

The best way I can describe the movie is by comparing it to The Walking Dead – without walkers. It really is. Hell shows us that if stripped down to our most primal instincts, we all become no better than wild animals. In most cases, actually, we seem to become worse.

I would put Hell way up there, right beside The Road and The Time of the Wolf, as one of the best post-apocalyptic movies ever made. There is just something so gritty and yet, so realistic about the world they show us in this movie. Also, the washed out look that lends itself to the film works so well at making even the viewer feel they need water when they are watching this movie. This IS Hell, and a truly believable one at that.

It’s funny, I watched Hell and just kept thinking to myself: it’s just a matter of time.