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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: “Serious” Directors Who Should Take A Stab At Horror

If you haven't noticed yet, Remy and I are dreamers. It's not that we can't be excited about what we already have, but when the creative juices start flowing, it's much easier to write about what might await. We've mixed and matched our favorite horror films, talked about what directors we'd love to see working on an anthology film, we've predicted outcomes - it's all about having fun. Lucky for us, the horror genre gives plenty of opportunities for such fun, and it also makes us wonder - why do some directors stay completely away from horror? Because it tends to become vile, disgusting, exploitative, and sometimes repulsive? Probably - but what if some virgin directors leapt into the blood-filled deep end of the horror pool?

Remy – Paul Thomas Anderson

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Not to be confused with that hack of a director, Paul W.S Anderson, who does the shit Resident Evil movies. No, this is Paul Thomas Anderson, who made Magnolia.

Daniel Day Lewis’ “bad guy” portrayal in There Will Be Blood is one of the greatest, most imposing antagonists ever put on film. Every frame that he’s in is palpably tense and unnerving. Add to that the cynicism (and hope) of Magnolia, with the “gritty underbelly” revealed to us in Boogie Nights, and the surreal moments of The Master and you realize – this guy could do exceptional things with the horror genre.

First of all, the talent he would have on board for said horror film would rival any cast that has ever been assembled for the genre.

On top of that, from a directorial standpoint, the man knows every kind of shot and technique for filming that has ever been used. Imagine lending that expertise to horror? Gone would be all the jump scares and shallow storytelling that sometimes plagues this genre of film.

Also, if PTA made a horror film, I bet you horror films would suddenly be getting more Oscar love. Come on, Paul Thomas Anderson. Prove me right.