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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: “Serious” Directors Who Should Take A Stab At Horror

If you haven't noticed yet, Remy and I are dreamers. It's not that we can't be excited about what we already have, but when the creative juices start flowing, it's much easier to write about what might await. We've mixed and matched our favorite horror films, talked about what directors we'd love to see working on an anthology film, we've predicted outcomes - it's all about having fun. Lucky for us, the horror genre gives plenty of opportunities for such fun, and it also makes us wonder - why do some directors stay completely away from horror? Because it tends to become vile, disgusting, exploitative, and sometimes repulsive? Probably - but what if some virgin directors leapt into the blood-filled deep end of the horror pool?


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If you haven’t noticed yet, Remy and I are dreamers. It’s not that we can’t be excited about what we already have, but when the creative juices start flowing, it’s much easier to write about what might await. We’ve mixed and matched our favorite horror films, talked about what directors we’d love to see working on an anthology film, we’ve predicted outcomes – it’s all about having fun. Lucky for us, the horror genre gives plenty of opportunities for such fun, and it also makes us wonder – why do some directors stay completely away from horror? Because it tends to become vile, disgusting, exploitative, and sometimes repulsive? Probably – but what if some virgin directors leapt into the blood-filled deep end of the horror pool?

Yup, this week we’ll be discussing which directors we’d love to see bring their unique styles to the horror genre. There are so many phenomenal directors out there who have yet to dabble in beheadings and gore, even though they might work such effects into their current films. There are so many sub-genres of horror that it’s hard not to imagine some of Hollywood’s biggest talents thriving somewhere. Maybe in the paranormal haunting genre, or the “found footage” genre, or the horror comedy genre? Versatility is key, but so is talent – and all the directors we’ve selected have shown something that suggests horror wouldn’t be that far of a tonal stretch to achieve successfully.

Worst case scenario here is that Remy and I have a little fun, get a few people excited and spark a little debate amongst our horror loving brethren. Best case scenario? Every director on this list reads our thoughts and starts writing a horror script – in which case we’d accept “Thank You” gifts in the form of alcohol, special edition Blu-Ray releases and cold hard cash.