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Movies To Watch When You’re Sick Of Valentine’s Day

It's not so much that I hate romance, or love, or relationships. It's that Valentine's Day after awhile gets so sweet, so saccharine, that you begin to feel like you've eaten too many conversation hearts. If you're single, it's the time when all your singleness comes home to you, what with the big boxes of heart-shaped candy and endless romantic movies on every single TV station. If you're in a relationship, it's a time of great hassle, when you have to make certain to buy cards, buy flowers (or expect flowers), make reservations, find out that you waited too long to make reservations, or argue about what movie you're going to watch on TV. It's just a hassle and there tons of expectations for all of us.

So there you have it. Those are my recommendations for those among of us who are sick of the saccharine that we have to swallow during Valentine’s Day. There are so many more: horror films are also excellent for anti-Valentine’s Day sentiments, as are Westerns, samurai flicks, and anything with Jason Statham. So after you’ve eaten your candy, made your reservations, or explained to your mother how you’re just fine on your own, please stop calling, pop one of these in and remember that as amazing as love is, sometimes it can really suck.  Remember: a little sour or salt with the sweet never hurt anybody.

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