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5 Movies You May Not Know You Know Chiwetel Ejiofor From

A role like Solomon Northup is long overdue for an actor like Chiwetel Ejiofor. He’s been quietly building up an impressive résumé of supporting roles for the past decade or so, but having the opportunity to take on such a challenging lead role in 12 Years a Slave, and the almost certain Oscar nomination that will come with it, is sure to make him a known lead player, at long last. His work in 12 Years is absolutely outstanding, and since it’s a movie that’s so dependent on solid performances that make this dark world an immediate one for us, he bears the weight of its success on his shoulders, and carries it the entire way. More people are going to know his name by the time awards season rolls around, and for those that already do, they’ll likely finally learn how to pronounce it (“CHEW-wi-tell EDGE-ee-ah-for,” I’m told).

[h2]4) Salt[/h2]

Liev Schreiber as "Ted Winter", Chiwetel Ejiofor as "Peabody" and Angelina Jolie as "Evelyn Salt" in Columbia Pictures' contemporary action thriller SALT.

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Three years after being on the other side of the law as Huey Lucas, Ejiofor again gained attention for supporting another star in a big action role, this time that star being Angelina Jolie in Salt. Jolie, of course, is the center of attention here, as well as Liev Schreiber, and it’s interesting that Ejiofor is again the man chasing down our hero, though he’s not specifically a villain.

Like in Children of Men, he’s on the other side of the protagonist, and therefore us in the audience, but we understand his motivations and based on the information his character has, his actions seem rather justified. He’s even redeemed in the end this time, recognize Salt as the hero she is and keeping her free. I think this shows that among Ejiofor’s skills is the recognition of complex characters and a tendency to play them with shades of gray, refusing to reduce them to types and milking them for as much effect as he can in the screen time he’s given.

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