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5 Movies You May Not Know You Know Chiwetel Ejiofor From

A role like Solomon Northup is long overdue for an actor like Chiwetel Ejiofor. He’s been quietly building up an impressive résumé of supporting roles for the past decade or so, but having the opportunity to take on such a challenging lead role in 12 Years a Slave, and the almost certain Oscar nomination that will come with it, is sure to make him a known lead player, at long last. His work in 12 Years is absolutely outstanding, and since it’s a movie that’s so dependent on solid performances that make this dark world an immediate one for us, he bears the weight of its success on his shoulders, and carries it the entire way. More people are going to know his name by the time awards season rolls around, and for those that already do, they’ll likely finally learn how to pronounce it (“CHEW-wi-tell EDGE-ee-ah-for,” I’m told).

[h2]2) Love Actually[/h2]

Love Actually

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So apparently the two people competing for Keira Knightley’s affections in Love Actually were Rick Grimes and Solomon Northup. Yes, that famous scene we can’t help but remember from the rom-com to end all rom-coms back in 2003 where the guy holds up the cue cards at the girl’s door and pours out his heart Bob Dylan-style was a young, pre-Walking Dead Andrew Lincoln. Standing in the way of what would be an adorable and surely problem-free relationship between the two of them is that perfect bastard Chiwetel Ejiofor, who is inconveniently married to the object of Lincoln’s affections, whose name is, of course, Juliet.

It’s easy in an ensemble movie like Love Actually to lose track of individual characters, even more so when it boasts so many stars who were known commodities in 2003 like Liam Neeson, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Alan Rickman and others. So it’s understandable if Ejiofor flew completely under the radar on this one (as well as Lincoln). You dislike Ejiofor because Lincoln is so adorbs for his dramatic gesture to 2003 It Girl Keira Knightley, but soon after you’re probably left thinking about nothing but Colin Firth. Let’s face it.

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