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Michael Rosenbaum Says Joaquin Phoenix Is Playing Lex Luthor In Batman vs. Superman

Casting for Batman vs. Superman is starting to heat up and one of the most talked about roles seems to be that of Lex Luthor. Earlier today we heard that Bryan Cranston might be taking the part but not too long ago, Joaquin Phoenix's name was also thrown into the ring. As of now, there's no confirmation from the studio and all we can do is speculate until we hear something official. That, or ask other actors who they think will be cast in the role.


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Casting for Batman vs. Superman is starting to heat up and one of the most talked about roles seems to be that of Lex Luthor. Earlier today we heard that Bryan Cranston might be taking the part but not too long ago, Joaquin Phoenix’s name was also thrown into the ring. As of now, there’s no confirmation from the studio and all we can do is speculate until we hear something official. That, or ask other actors who they think will be cast in the role.

That’s exactly what we decided to do earlier this week when we sat down with Michael Rosenbaum to discuss his new filmĀ Back in the Day. If you recall, Rosenbaum played Lex Luthor on television’s Smallville and is a fan favorite to reprise the role in Zack Snyder’s upcoming sequel. We asked the actor if he had any interest in playing Luthor in the film and he told us that Phoenix has already been cast.

Of course, we shouldn’t take what he says to be completely accurate, as he’s not involved with the production and might just be basing his knowledge off what he’s seen on the internet. That being said, he seems pretty confident in his claim that Phoenix is going to play Luthor and considering he’s in the industry and has no doubt been talking to people, he might just be correct.

You can check out what Rosenbaum has to say in the video below. Then, head down to the comments and let us know if you want to see Joaquin Phoenix play Lex Luthor in Batman vs. Superman.