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‘Maybe we’ve got one left in us’: The director of a terrible franchise blighted by an even worse reboot threatens the world with a legacy sequel

There are some curses that nostalgia alone cannot lift.

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If recent history has taught us anything, it’s that the world really doesn’t need another Charlie’s Angels blockbuster.

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After all, Elizabeth Banks’ reboot was greeted tepidly by all corners and tanked at the box office, causing the director to go on a bizarre string of tirades where she blamed men and superheroes for nobody showing interest in the latest do-over of an IP that’s existed in countless forms since the 1970s.

via Sony

In even more terrifying news, McG has apparently gained sentience and discovered that nostalgia remains all the rage, with the filmmaker who still hasn’t made a good movie during the course of a career spanning over 20 years threatening the world with a sequel to his feature debut and Full Throttle in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“It would take a long discussion with those three wonderful performers who I adore. I was very happy to see Elizabeth Banks take the helm and do what she did, which was fun. There always seems to be chatter about that. I’m very happy to discuss it with Drew and Cameron and Lucy, but at the same time, I’m very happy to pass the torch. I mean, I love the Tim Burton Batman movies, I love the new Batman movies. It’s just sort of like there can be a keeper of the flame and you can pass the torch.”

Who knows? Maybe we’ve got one left in us that tells a very compelling story if the opportunity presents itself. I love the three of them so much. They put me on the map. They looked out for me when I was a first-time filmmaker. I was very nearly fired off that film on many, many occasions, and Drew stood up for me and I’m forever indebted to her. And obviously, those are three performers where God broke the mold. They don’t make ’em like that. I mean, those are three special ones.”

Of course, he’d need to get Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu to sign on the dotted line to make it happen, so we’ll need to cross our fingers that they don’t even consider an offer. Charlie’s Angels was perfect for the time it was released, but after what happened the last time, nobody needs to see the property get dusted off and stuffed into a leather catsuit again.