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Matthew McConaughey Passes On Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2


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It was only a matter of time really before Marvel came a knocking on the door of Matthew McConaughey, but it seems as if the actor isn’t interested in getting into bed with them. We had heard that the studio was courting the Oscar winner for a role in their cinematic universe, and now we have further details on what went down.

According to Variety, Marvel wanted McConaughey for a villain role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. No word on who exactly they wanted him to play, but he turned them down since he wasn’t too interested in being tied into a multi-picture contract. Or at least, that’s the assumption. The actor is probably having offers being thrown at him left, right and centre at this stage in his career, so we can’t exactly blame him for not wanting to restrict himself.


Then again, Marvel has managed to make it work with some pretty high-profile names in recent years, and it’s definitely a shame that the two parties couldn’t reach a deal that worked for both of them. After all, those who saw McConaughey inĀ Killer Joe know damn well that he could make an effective villain by channelling his darker side, and it would have been interesting to see what he could have brought to the MCU.

But alas, it was not meant to be. The show will go on, though, and production on Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 will begin in early 2016, with the film currently pegged for a May 5th, 2017 release.