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Is Matthew McConaughey The Best Actor Working Right Now? 6 Roles That Prove He Might Be

Alright. You don’t have to reach too far back in the memory bank to recall a time when Matthew McConaughey was synonymous with male bimbo. It’s a testament to the quality of work he’s been churning out for the past couple of years that most people who have been following his recent career shift are rethinking that earlier characterization. It’s never entirely clear whether an actor is getting crappy roles because those are the ones they think they’re most suited to, the casting folks think they’re most suited to, or because they’re bad at discerning what’s going to be a non-terrible project or whether it’s impossible to actually determine something that’s going to be good before it’s ever made.

[h2]6) The Wolf of Wall Street/Dallas Buyers Club[/h2]

Wolf of Wall Street

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If you have not yet watched the trailer for the newest Martin Scorsese-Leonardo DiCaprio collaboration, do so. Not only does it confirm that this is one of the most anticipated movies of the fall, it further demonstrates the absolute trance Matthew McConaughey is in when it comes to playing strange characters at this point in his career. He’s mesmerizing as much as he is mesmerized by himself. The Wolf of Wall Street looks to be DiCaprio’s movie as per usual, but the trailer indicates some potentially impressive work by McConaughey and Jonah Hill. Then, McConaughey also has the upcoming Dallas Buyers Club, in which he plays 1980’s AIDS victim Ron Woodroof, and is currently generating a significant amount of buzz. Following these projects he has a date with an up and coming director named Christopher Nolan, starring in Interstellar, set for 2014.

I can’t think of anyone on a hotter streak of films and performances right now than Matthew McConaughey. He has all of a sudden become a fascinating figure, a crushing performer, and an enormous box office draw. How did this even happen? Your guess is as good as mine. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s a trend that is quite alright. Alright alright alright.