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Matt Donato’s Top 10 Films Of 2013

I know I'm typically the "horror guy" here at We Got This Covered ("Why can't you watch nice things!" is typically a comment heard numerous times while visiting the parentals), but believe it or not, on top of the 90 horror films I was able to catch this year, I do watch what more conservative movie fans would call "real cinema." I'm not a horror only guy, trust me, I'm a cinephile through and through - but horror just happens to be the most fun genre to write about in my eyes.

8) American Hustle

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Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale and Jennifer Lawrence in American Hustle

I’m a bit of a David O. Russell fanatic, so it’s no surprise that his latest film, American Hustle, is making my top ten. Silver Linings Playbook topped last year’s list me for, The Fighter made that year’s Top 10, and although David isn’t being graced with my “Best of the Best” honors, it’s still incredibly deserving of its spot. Just look at that cast and their awesome fashion sense, how could you not love the essence of this wacky, kind-of-true period piece? This is definitely the biggest movie Russell’s attempted to date, and the writer/director pulls off his start-studded film with the utmost ease – or he cons us all into thinking so.

A good movie always needs a good cast, but this cast isn’t just good – it’s dynamite. It’s the kind of cast that you read all the names for – Adams, Cooper, Renner, Bale, Lawrence – and then still get surprised by the likes of Louis C.K., Michael Peña, and Robert De Niro. Bradley Cooper rocks some tight jerry curls like a champ, Christian Bale adds 50 pounds of manly girth and dons an atrocious combover, both Adams and Lawrence sizzle in their bombshell dresses, and Renner plays Robin Hood just like any good-willed yet dirty politician would, but the most important feature of our cast is the amount of fun they have. You’re not only watching a film, you’re watching tremendously talented performers interact with one another on a level that’s a bit surreal at times – which makes for unmatched entertainment.

I can’t exactly say this is David O. Russell’s best, as Silver Linings Playbook won me over tenfold, but I do believe it’s his next best film without a doubt. Get caught in the hustle, you’re going to dig the hell out of this one.

American Hustle is in theaters now.