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Matt Donato’s Top 10 Films Of 2013

I know I'm typically the "horror guy" here at We Got This Covered ("Why can't you watch nice things!" is typically a comment heard numerous times while visiting the parentals), but believe it or not, on top of the 90 horror films I was able to catch this year, I do watch what more conservative movie fans would call "real cinema." I'm not a horror only guy, trust me, I'm a cinephile through and through - but horror just happens to be the most fun genre to write about in my eyes.

1) The Wolf Of Wall Street

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Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese, you’ve done it again. You glorious, filmmaking super-team. Running at an eye-popping three hours, The Wolf Of Wall Street blazes along at a brisk pace that never lets you feel bogged down by such a demanding run time, as the story of Wall Street’s Jordan Belfort provides the single best movie experience of 2013. Filled with quaaludes, nudity, greed, corruption, money, Matthew McConaughey being awesome, and little people being thrown at targets, Scorsese’s genius once again brings a unique cinematic experience that’s perfect from start to finish.

Jordan Belfort was not a nice man, and Leonardo DiCaprio completely transforms into the seedy stockbroker like the chameleon he is. Leo always puts on a proper show, but his performance in The Wolf Of Wall Street has to be my favorite from recent memory. Working with the actual Jordan Belfort, DiCaprio was completely committed to showing every depraved act these multi-millionaires carried out in their hayday, from the prostitutes to the excessive drugs – and boy does it translate on camera.

Not enough people have seen this film yet at this specific point, so I really don’t want to reveal any more than this: Martin Scorsese and Leonardo Dicaprio may have just created their magnum opus. In my eyes, it’s that good. Like, good enough to be best film of 2013 good. Like, good enough to ignore your family on Christmas Eve to see it at midnight good. Congrats Marty, no one else deserves the crown more than you do this year. Wear it with pride.

What were your favorite films of 2013? Let us know in the comments how many of my picks made your own year end lists!