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MCU Fans Are Wishing Charlize Theron Had Been Cast As Captain Marvel Instead Of Brie Larson

Poor Brie Larson just can't seem to catch a break from fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a very vocal minority not happy with her mere presence as Captain Marvel, despite the fact the she's more than proven herself as one of the fastest-rising stars in the industry after winning an Academy Award, Golden Globe and BAFTA, headlining a comic book blockbuster that earned over a billion dollars at the box office and making her directorial debut in an acclaimed Netflix original, all before she'd turned 30.

Brie Larson

Brie Larson just can’t seem to catch a break from fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a very vocal minority not happy with her mere presence as Captain Marvel, despite the fact the she’s more than proven herself as one of the fastest-rising stars in the industry after winning an Academy Award, Golden Globe and BAFTA, headlining a comic book blockbuster that earned over a billion dollars at the box office and making her directorial debut all before she’d turned 30.

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Even though Carol Danvers is widely expected to become one of the focal points of the entire franchise in the future as one of the MCU’s marquee names and the next leader of the Avengers, there are still numerous petitions being circulated demanding that she be removed from the role. While the success of the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign proved that studios do pay attention to these sorts of things, there’s no chance Kevin Feige is even contemplating drastically shaking up his plans just because some people don’t care for the actress.

Some fan art that imagined how Charlize Theron would look in the role began circulating online last week though and now a lot of people have taken to social media to lament the fact that the Mad Max: Fury Road star wasn’t cast as Captain Marvel instead, and you can check out some of the reactions below.



It was always clear that the studio wanted someone younger to play Captain Marvel from the start so that they could grow into the character over a number of years, with Larson only 26 when her casting was announced. Charlize Theron might be one of the finest talents of her generation, but she’s also fifteen years older than the person Marvel ultimately chose for the role. As such, it makes sense why she didn’t get the gig, but it’s also not like the actress hasn’t been doing exceptionally well for herself lately, firmly cementing her status as one of the industry’s biggest action stars.