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12 Marvel And DC Characters That Still Need Their Own Movie

When Stan Lee created the Fantastic Four in 1961 and later Spider-Man in 1962, little did he know that he was spawning a dynasty. Fifty years on, Lee and the Marvel brand have never been stronger and their heady rivalry with DC Comics has laid the ground for some of the biggest summer blockbusters in history. But where are we headed? Is the future solely dedicated to tentpole franchises boasting established names, or is there room to grow new blood on screen, too?


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After a memorable turn in the Batman: Arkham series, Azrael must be on the radar of DC executives.

An assassin for the Order of St. Dumas, Azrael aspires to be a man of honor in Batman’s image. Armed with the Sword of Sin and an enemy of Ra’s and Talia al Ghul, this skilled assassin is a conflicted yet honorable crimefighter. That conflict would be at the heart of a movie bearing Azrael’s name; one that explores the origin of a hired killer who turns to vigilante justice in search of a higher purpose.

Expect a film with slick violence in the style of Sin City. Looking for family-friendly fun? Look elsewhere, because an Azrael film by rights should be noir inspired with appropriate levels of bloodshed.


When the AI known as J.A.R.V.I.S is fused with an Ultron shell in 2015’s Avengers: Age of UltronVision is created, the original Marvel android.

Paul Bettany dons the red mask of a character steeped in lore, yet one who’s received little attention. His relationship with Scarlet Witch would make for a fascinating spinoff film though, pleasing fans who have followed Vision’s progress in comic books and the awesome Marvel Masterpieces cards of the ’80s and ’90s.