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8 Hugely Underrated Moments In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

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It seems like just yesterday that the first Iron Man was released, exposing audiences to a superhero that wasn’t mainstream yet still more than worthy of joining the likes of Batman and Spider-Man. Nine years later and the Marvel Cinematic Universe stands as an iconic movie franchise, famous for bringing numerous characters to the forefront, whilst also revolutionizing the film industry. The likes of the DC Extended Universe, Universal’s Dark Universe and Legendary’s MonsterVerse, among others, all owe their inception to Kevin Feige’s dream.

And yet, within such a sprawling series are many moments that seem to be under-appreciated even by Marvel fans. That’s not entirely unsurprising given that, as of September 2017, there are 16 films in the franchise, with an astonishing eight more already with a set with a release date.

As such, we’ve decided to look through the entire MCU (on the big screen, at least) and find eight moments we feel are pretty underrated and don’t get enough recognition.
