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Lupita Nyong’o Wanted For Major Role In Star Wars: Episode VII

With Adam Driver now all but confirmed for Star Wars: Episode VII, it's time for J.J. Abrams and the fine folks at Disney to start putting together the rest of the cast. For months and months we've heard rumor after rumor and today, we have yet another piece of juicy news to share with you.

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With Adam Driver now all but confirmed for Star Wars: Episode VII, it’s time for J.J. Abrams and the fine folks at Disney to start putting together the rest of the cast. For months and months we’ve heard rumor after rumor and today, we have yet another piece of juicy news to share with you.

The usually reliable Latino Review is reporting that 12 Years a Slave star and recent Oscar winner, Lupita Nyong’o, is in talks for a major female role in the film. They go on to say that the part is not “tied into the family lines from Episodes 4-6,” and that she might very well be playing a Sith.

Unfortunately, the details don’t go much further than that and of course, the source remains unnamed. Still, I am a bit inclined to believe this. For one, Nyong’o is red hot right now and it’s easy to see why Disney would want to work with her. More importantly though, she fits in with the type of casting that’s been rumored for so long now. And that is, younger actors/actresses who are on the cusp of reaching Hollywood’s A-list.

Driver fits that mould, the heavily rumored Jesse Plemons and Saoirse Ronan do as well, and now we have Nyong’o. All four of these talents are somewhat well known, but not quite household names just yet.

Then again, this news could be completely false and until it’s confirmed by Abrams or someone from Disney, we’ll have to take it with a grain of salt. Like I said though, she fits the description for the kind of name they’re looking for and seeing as they are probably quite close to casting the film by this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nyong’o is at the top of the studio’s list. They’re done just “taking meetings” with talent. Production is set to begin in a couple of months and I have no doubt that Abrams and co. know exactly who they want to cast.

Tell us, would you like to see Lupita Nyong’o in Star Wars: Episode VII? Sound off below!