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Agent Carter One-Shot Director Louis D’Esposito Could Be A Strong Contender For Ant-Man

All eyes are currently on Marvel Studios as we anxiously await the announcement of who will take over directing duties on Ant-Man now that Edgar Wright has left the project. Earlier today, the rumor mill churned wildly as James Gunn's name was tossed around, but that was quickly debunked by the man himself.


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All eyes are currently on Marvel Studios as we anxiously await the announcement of who will take over directing duties on Ant-Man now that Edgar Wright has left the project. Earlier today, the rumor mill churned wildly as James Gunn’s name was tossed around, but that was quickly debunked by the man himself.

Then, Latino Review’s El Mayimbe (who, I should add, has been on a roll with these Marvel scoops lately) started tweeting that he was close to finding out who the real director choice was, and pointed toward Agent Carter One-Shot helmer Louis D’Esposito as a strong possibility.

Of course, this news should be taken with the requisite grain of salt, as Mayimbe’s claims remain unconfirmed. He stated later on that we may not hear anything until tomorrow, and that he had not had any of his phone calls returned. So take that as you will.

D’Esposito certainly makes sense for Ant-Man, as he’s worked on both the Agent Carter and Item 47 One-Shots, and is Co-President of the studio. What Mayimbe says about Marvel needing a “cleanup hitter” makes sense, too, considering the extensive pre-production work that’s already been done on Ant-Man and the close production start date. In order to keep the film on track for its July 17th, 2015 release, Marvel will need to hire someone who can jump in right where Wright left off, while also utilizing the new script changes that forced him to leave in the first place.

Tell us, do you think D’Esposito would be a good choice for Ant-Man, or will he completely ruin the film? Let us know in the comments section below.