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Liv Tyler Reveals She Had COVID-19, Says It Took Her Down

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson hit the headlines when they contracted the virus. Since then, it's cut a swathe through the world of celebrities, with Idris Elba, Antonio Banderas, Lena Dunham, Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Robert Pattinson and Kanye West (among many others) having confirmed positive diagnoses. Now, Armageddon and Lord of the Rings star Liv Tyler can join them, as she's just revealed on Instagram that she tested positive on New Year's Eve.

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Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson hit the headlines when they contracted the virus. Since then, it’s cut a swathe through the world of celebrities, with Idris Elba, Antonio Banderas, Lena Dunham, Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Robert Pattinson and Kanye West (among many others) having confirmed positive diagnoses. Now, Armageddon and Lord of the Rings star Liv Tyler can join them, as she’s just revealed on Instagram that she tested positive on New Year’s Eve.

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Fortunately, she’s apparently made a good recovery, accompanying her announcement with a picture of her hugging her daughters (while wearing a mask). In her post, she says the virus “took her down” on the last day of 2020, explaining:

“It comes on fast, like a locomotive. Owchie. With it Feelings of fear , shame and guilt swirling through you , who could you have gotten it from and who could you have infected…Terrifying.”

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She goes on to talk about how disorientating and scary it was to be sick and isolating alone for ten days, saying that hearing about the attack on the US Capitol and attempted government coup during this period was like being in The Twilight Zone. She ends her message with thanks to all those “working tirelessly to protect and care for others” and that she’s “humbled and filled with gratitude to be well.”

Liv Tyler recently appeared in Fox’s 9-1-1 Lone Star, where she played the leading role of EMS Captain Michelle Blake. There aren’t any confirmed upcoming gigs that I can see on her IMDb page, but it’s worth remembering that she portrayed Betty Ross in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. And despite not subsequently appearing in future MCU movies, she may well be back if Marvel Studios ever make another solo Hulk outing. Or, perhaps, in the She-Hulk show. In any case, let’s hope we see her on screen again sooner rather than later.