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Lionsgate Plotting Six-Movie Arc For Power Rangers, Sequel May Enter Production Imminently

Power Rangers co-creator and producer Haim Saban has revealed to Variety that plans have been drawn up for a "six-movie arc."

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If you’re reading this on March 24th, you’ll likely find that there are two main options at theaters this weekend: Life, Sony and Daniel Espinosa’s starry space thriller in which Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal make first contact, and Power Rangers, the budding franchise-starter from Lionsgate and director Dean Israelite.

And make no mistake, Israelite’s revival is aiming to jump-start an entire series of live-action movies. Echoing previous comments made by Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer, Power Rangers co-creator and producer Haim Saban told Variety (via CBM) that plans have been drawn up for “a six-movie story arc.”

When asked about the creative process involved in rebooting a dormant ’90s icon, Saban went on to talk about the cutting-edge VFX coursing through the movie, and why audiences hold films to a higher standard no thanks to the landmark success of the MCU and Warner’s DC Extended Universe, not to mention the CGI seen in The Jungle Book and Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival.

Per Variety:

“But today’s young audience is much more sophisticated, Think about movies like ‘Jungle Book’ and ‘Arrival.’ The effects are mind-boggling. So does the young audience expect more? You bet they do — and they will have it.”

So, when can fans expect to hear word on Power Rangers 2? Soon, according to Saban, who noted that the Powers That Be will gather together for a meeting providing the box office numbers are to their liking.

“If this film is as successful as I hope on March 24, on March 25 we’ll have the first story meeting for Movie No. 2.”

Elsewhere, soon-to-be Stranger Things star Dacre Montgomery (Jason/Red Ranger) spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about the potential future of Lionsgate’s newfound franchise.

“I would love to think there will be more films. I guess we’re going to see how we do at the box office and play it from there. But I think everybody else is definitely treating this as an origins film, the first of a few.”

Power Rangers is screening in theaters from today. Going up against Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is a tall order, but all involved appear confident that Dean Israelite’s super-sleek origin story will warrant a sequel. If it’s more coverage you’re after, look no further than our exclusive video interview with stars Dacre Montgomery, Ludi Lin and Naomi Scott.