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Lin-Manuel Miranda turned down hosting the Oscars

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda has turned down hosting the Oscars, saying he just wouldn't feel comfortable doing it.

The 94th annual Academy Awards are being held at Hollywood’s Dolby Theater on March 27. They come at a turning point for awards shows: viewing figures are down, COVID-19 has rubbed off some of the glitz, and watching rich people congratulate other rich people with gold statues while actors preach from the podium is increasingly grating.

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That may be why the Oscars team has taken so long to confirm a host, but one person who might have done a good job has conclusively ruled himself out: Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Speaking with People Magazine, Miranda was asked if he’d take the job and revealed he’s already turned them down:

“I have said no in the past. I really don’t think that that’s my skillset. It’s not something I’m comfortable doing, hosting, mainly because I’ve been lucky enough to work with incredible hosts. I’ve written for Neil Patrick Harris, I’ve written his opening numbers and closing numbers for the Tonys. That is a whole other thing. He is genius at that, he and Hugh Jackman. I’m happy to write for the host, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable hosting.”


So who could be up for the big job? Variety recently ran down the candidates, ruling out Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jimmy Kimmel, and Tiffany Haddish. On the maybes list is trio Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Maya Rudolph, though Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez are reportedly the Academy’s ideal team.

Perhaps the most fun names being bandied about are Tom Holland and Zendaya, hosting as a duo. Holland said when asked “Of course, I would host the f***ing Oscars!” and said he’d like Zendaya at his side: By myself would be great, and with someone I love would be even better. I think a shared experience is always better than a solo experience.”

But perhaps Holland and Zendaya might be a teeny bit too unpredictable and chaotic for the Academy. But hey, if it was a disaster, at least it’d be an entertaining one.

Let’s hope we hear some confirmation soon, though anyone accepting the job should be aware it can easily turn into a poisoned chalice.