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First Leprechaun: Origins Trailer Is Heavy On Running, Light On Leprechauns

This is a statement that probably sounds like utter lunacy to some, but I've been dying to see the first trailer for Leprechaun: Origins ever since the project was originally announced. Why would one be so excited about WWE's attempt to bring glory and honor to one of horror's more, um, interesting villains? Simple - Leprechaun is a classic horror film as long as we ignore the slew of absolutely atrocious sequels, as Warwick Davis turned a creature wearing a green tuxedo into something scary, hilarious, and undeniably entertaining. The Leprechaun holds a special place in my gold-encrusted heart, so I've been dying to see how Dylan Postl (WWE's Hornswoggle) would embody the cunning killer - but unfortunately this first trailer doesn't offer much in the evil leprechaun department.


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This is a statement that probably sounds like utter lunacy to some, but I’ve been dying to see the first trailer for Leprechaun: Origins ever since the project was originally announced. Why would one be so excited about WWE’s attempt to bring glory and honor to one of horror’s more, um, interesting villains? Simple – Leprechaun is a classic horror film as long as we ignore the slew of absolutely atrocious sequels, as Warwick Davis turned a creature wearing a green tuxedo into something scary, hilarious, and undeniably entertaining. The Leprechaun holds a special place in my gold-encrusted heart, so I’ve been dying to see how Dylan Postl (WWE’s Hornswoggle) would embody the cunning killer – but unfortunately this first trailer doesn’t offer much in the evil leprechaun department.

Starring Brendan Fletcher, Teach Grant, Stephanie Bennett, and a few other fresher faces alongside Postl, we already knew Zach Lipovsky was looking to re-invent the wheel with his Leprechaun reboot, but I’m a little surprised by such a drastic tonal shift. Davis’ staple charm made The Leprechaun both vicious and comical, like a killer jester of sorts, but he possessed more human qualities than beastly features. From everything offered in this Leprechaun: Origins trailer, our titular villain appears to be more of a feral creature of sorts, chasing his victims instead of stalking. We don’t actaully catch a glimpse of Postl in full Celtic garb, if he’s even wearing clothes this time around (prosthetic monster makeup only maybe?), but it feels as if writers Matt Venne and Harris Wilkinson have adopted a more animalistic leprechaun for their reboot.

Of course, this could all be nothing but a cheeky marketing ploy. Just as the trailer is about to cut away, we do hear the faint laughter of what I’d assume an evil Leprechaun would sound like. Still, this cackling is hidden amongst numerous audible grows and snarls, again suggesting that Postl will be playing a ferocious beastie that’s far removed from Davis’ original portrayal. This decision would actually play closer to true Leprechaun folklore, something movies have taught me too much about, so this type of Leprechaun is far from out of the question – but we won’t know for sure until Postl’s true form is revealed.

Besides the interesting questions raised, the first trailer doesn’t give us a whole lot of substance beyond “vacationing kids are hunted by an evil Leprechaun in the middle of nowhere” – pretty much your typical horror storyline. Will Leprechaun: Origins find a four leaf clover and become a smash hit, or are we looking at another generic horror reboot gone awry? I guess we’ll just have to wait until August 26th for the film’s VOD release, followed by a September 30th DVD/Blu-Ray release date.

Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!