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Latest DC News: Which flash will be the Flash for the DCU and did DC finally make the obvious choice to direct ‘The Brave and the Bold?’

Get ready! Get set! Get the right person to play The Flash!

Image via Warner Bros.

The Flash will change the DC universe forever, but will it also alter the course of Ezra Miller’s career as well? And this one person could send a lot of stink-eye Dwayne Johnson’s way if he gets hired on by DC studios to be part of its new lineup. Lastly, will DC go ahead and pull the trigger on the person most obviously suitable to direct its Batman reboot?

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Will Ezra Miller be able to outrun their past, or will the DCU have a new Flash in its future?

Image via DC Comics

At this point, everyone is well aware The Flash is going to change the course of DC movies forever. The multiverse-spanning plot will tie together multiple realities and effectively erase the former canonical universe of the DCEU aka the Snyderverse in favor of the shiny new DCU reboot. But some fans are now arguing that the movie should also serve to rid the studio of one of its most problematic actors.

Ezra Miller, who stars in The Flash and reprises the role they played in both versions of Justice League is reportedly in counseling to address a horrifying series of abusive behavior and outright criminal acts they were involved in over the course of last year. So far DC has stood by the troubled star and stated emphatically that they believe they are getting the mental help they need. But fans are saying why not change horses, if not during The Flash, then quickly after, replacing Miller’s Barry Allen with Allen’s fan-favorite comic book successor, Wally West?

Recent Reddit debates suggest that West might even be the most popular Flash and one can definitely make a strong case that Wally is the main protagonist of Flashpoint, the comics storyline The Flash narrative is derived from. If the fans continue to make such a strong pro-West argument Miller may want to check with their agent ASAP.

Casting this James Gunn collaborator would be a true kiss-off to ‘Black Adam’s box office

dwayne johnson vin diesel fast & furious
Image via Universal

James Gunn has done nothing but try and pour oil upon the water when it comes to dealing with any ex-employees of DC studios. But some have observed that if he casts one of his longtime collaborators in any DCU project — at least for the universe’s first slate — it may just be perceived as a slight by none other than Black Adam himself, Dwayne Johnson.

For anyone not aware, Johnson and his former Fast and Furious co-star Vin Diesel have a rich history of quiet and not-so-quiet animosity for each other stemming from their time on set together. But while Johnson seems to be done with DC forever due to his underperforming star vehicle Black Adam, Diesel is still presumably in good graces with DC CEO James Gunn who directed the actor as Groot in his three Guardians of the Galaxy films.

And in a groundswell of petty trollishness, some fans are suggesting that Diesel would make a very good candidate to play the DCU version of Black Adam, a move which would no doubt be ill-received by Johnson. However, the Jungle Cruise star probably has little to fear. Gunn can definitely be impish but he seems to be making an effort to keep as many people happy as he can while still making the best DC he can. Unless you want him to sell Superman to Netflix.

Is the most obvious frontrunner (who isn’t James Gunn) actually going to direct The Brave and the Bold?

ben affleck justice league
Image via Warner Bros.

We’re still (probably) a while away from DC announcing anyone attached to their upcoming Batman DCU relaunch, The Brave and the Bold but rumors are starting to fly and the one that’s gaining the most bat-traction has money on the idea that former DCEU Batman Ben Affleck will be returning to the franchise, not as the caped crusader, but as the man in the director’s chair.

The reason fans are doubling down on this latest rumor isn’t based upon anything CEO James Gunn has said. On the contrary, it’s his silence on the matter that seems to speak volumes. Gunn recently had one of his frequent online discussions with a naysayer where he stated emphatically that he doesn’t lie to his fans, and he brought receipts.

Gunn has been pretty quick to debunk casting and crew rumors regarding the new DCU and he hasn’t even blinked at claims of Affleck’s involvement with BATB, which means there may be a glimmer of truth in the matter. Following Justice League, the actor seemed disillusioned by comic book movies in general (after Daredevil, who can blame him?) but he has definitely returned to DC to appear in The Flash this summer. He may very well be ready for the director’s chair again. And no one will argue he isn’t qualified.