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Lady Gaga improvised the most memorable line in ‘House of Gucci’

Even though the movie isn't coming to theaters until this coming Wednesday, Lady Gaga's performance in Ridley Scott's House of Gucci has already come under intense scrutiny.

Even though the movie isn’t coming to theaters until this coming Wednesday, Lady Gaga’s performance in Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci has already come under intense scrutiny.

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The singer and actress revealed she opted to stay in character for the entirety of the shoot, which helped her master her Italian accent. The only problem is, a lot of people completely disagree with the accuracy and authenticity of her brogue, with many folks blasting her for sounding Russian despite her assurances that she’s nailed it.

Then there’s the film itself, which has some critics fawning over House of Gucci and labeling it as one of next year’s major awards season contenders, while others think it’s in with a much stronger shot at sweeping the board when the Razzies roll around.

Either way, everyone will agree that Gaga’s “Father, son, and House of Gucci” line is the most memorable part of the marketing so far, with the Academy Award winner admitting to Variety that she improvised a soundbite that’s poised to remain part of the cultural lexicon long after we forget about the movie it came from.

“I used to do it in the trailer all the time. … I was doing it in the trailer, and something about that scene when we were doing it felt right, and we did it. It’s a testament to Ridley Scott as a director, because uses the stuff, he uses the creativity, he uses the love.”

We’re very curious to see whether Gaga gets any Academy Awards recognition for a performance nobody can seem to agree on, but at the very least she’s spawned roughly a thousand memes and counting already.