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Justice League Crew Member Confirms There’s Enough Material For A Zack Snyder Cut

Despite the mixed reaction to his efforts on Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, there's been a fierce outcry from fans calling for Warner Bros. to release a Zack Snyder-helmed Director's Cut of Justice League.

Despite the mixed reaction to his efforts on Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, there’s been a fierce outcry from fans calling for Warner Bros. to release a Zack Snyder-helmed Director’s Cut of Justice League.

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By now, you’re probably familiar with the behind-the-scenes upheaval that led to Snyder being replaced on the movie with Joss Whedon. Though the studio were confident that The Avengers helmer would be able to sprinkle some of his Marvel magic onto the film, the mixed critical reception and underwhelming box office have proven otherwise. In the wake of that, the best way of appeasing the fans might be to release an extended cut based of Snyder’s original vision for the movie, or at least one that featured more of his footage.

While we await any official word on the possibility of that happening, another crew member who worked on Justice League has now spoken up about the vast amount of deleted scenes from the production. David Hecker, the movie’s sound editor, revealed to Inverse that he’s hopeful that an extended edition will arrive at some point, reminding us that previous DCEU movies – like BvS and Suicide Squad – have had longer cuts released on home video.

“Many scenes and sounds are left on the proverbial cutting room floor. The cool part is that on many of these films the studio releases the Director’s Cut with a lot of that material put back in the film for the DVD release, so at least most of the sounds we create will be used one way or another.”

Recently, Justice League‘s DP Fabian Wagner also talked about the film’s deleted scenes. In particular, he revealed that, yes, Henry Cavill did don a black version of the Superman suit in the original cut, while many of Snyder’s sequences excised from the final version have also leaked out online.

At the moment, it’s looking more likely that we’ll get an extended Whedon cut rather than a Snyder version, which would apparently be too costly to produce. Still, hopefully this will go someway to lifting Justice League‘s reputation, much like BvS‘ Ultimate Edition did for that flick.