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Fans Mounting New Showcase In Support Of Justice League’s Director’s Cut

A YouTuber by the name of Itzmoe is mounting a new protest for the release of Justice League's director's cut in Los Angeles.

Update: Itzmoe has reached out to us to clarify that Saturday’s event is a photo opportunity, not a protest, and will bring DC super-fans together outside Warner Bros. HQ to demonstrate their support of both Zack Snyder and his creative vision.

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The full, official Facebook post is as follows:

PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY SIGNS. I will have the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut sign and that is the ONLY sign that we want in the photo so the focus will be on that, so instead of bringing a sign, just wear any shirts you have supporting Zack, DC, or Justice League cosplay you may have.

**ABSOLUTELY NO SHIRTS/ SIGNS INSULTING WB/ JOSS/ ETC. WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE PHOTO!*** We want to show support for Zack Snyder, so we want to focus on our support and love for him and his work, NOT dissing others, so DO NOT bring shirts/ signs insulting others or you won’t be allowed in the photo. We don’t want to embarrass Zack and give Zack Snyder fans a bad name. We want to show him how much we appreciate him and make this a photo that he would be happy to share. PLEASE share this around everywhere so we can have a large group in the photo supporting Zack and his JL cut!!!

Original story: Los Angeles is about to play host to a new DC-themed protest, and it all centers on the fabled Zack Snyder cut of Justice League.

Organized by prominent YouTuber Itzmoe (with a tip of the hat to Heroic Hollywood), this public demonstration will once again call on Warner Bros. to release Snyder’s version of the DC mega-movie – unfiltered and largely unaffected by those Joss Whedon-directed reshoots.

The protest will begin in earnest on Saturday, January 6th, when Itzmoe and fellow DC super-fans will take to the streets of Burbank, Los Angeles with a sign reading, “#ReleaseTheSnyderCut.” And nothing else. That’s because Itzmoe makes a point of telling would-be protestors not to bring any additional signs or shirts – particularly those designed to insult Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon, or anyone else involved in the creation of Justice League.

Join me (ITZMOE on YouTube) and other Snyder fans as we take a photo in front of Warner Bros. with a #ReleaseTheSnyderCut sign while wearing our Zack Snyder shirts/ DC shirts, & costumes to (peacefully) show our support for the release of a Snyder cut of Justice League! After we take the photo, we will all share it on ALL of our social media so hopefully it will spread and get it to Zack himself so he can see it, like he saw the “Thank You Zack Snyder” video I made!

That’s all well and good, but aside from one or two deleted scenes, there’s no concrete evidence that Zack Snyder’s Justice League cut actually exists. Not only that, but the chances of Warner Bros. releasing an unfinished product are slim to none, so if anything, we’re more inclined to believe that the imminent Justice League Blu-ray will come packing an extended version of the Joss Whedon cut, not the Snyder one.

It won’t be too long before we have a definitive answer to that question though, as Justice League is seemingly on course for a Blu-ray release in March and can already be pre-ordered on Amazon.