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First Look At Joseph Gordon-Levitt In Looper

Today we get our first look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt in his upcoming film Looper. Rian Johnson (Brick, The Brothers Bloom) directs this upcoming time travel film that focuses on "Loopers, men alive 30 years before time travel is invented who wait at locations as mob hitmen, who take out people sent back in time to them." Got all that?

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Today we get our first look at Joseph Gordon-Levitt in his upcoming film Looper. Rian Johnson (Brick, The Brothers Bloom) directs this upcoming time travel film that focuses on “Loopers, men alive 30 years before time travel is invented who wait at locations as mob hitmen, who take out people sent back in time to them.” Got all that?

Johnson is definitely an exciting director and he already proved that he can work well with Gordon-Levitt as the two of them were able to thrill audiences with Brick, a smart mystery/thriller that came out in 2005. The plot of Looper sounds interesting and early buzz on the film is pretty positive. All things considered, I think Johnson will provide another smart and sexy thriller with this one.

We’ve already seen the first look at Bruce Willis in the film and now we can see how the film’s other star is going to look when he graces the big screen on September 28th. What’s especially interesting though is apparently, Gordon-Levitt is supposed to be playing a younger version of Willis. The young actor calls it “the most transformative” role of his career and has stated that he had to undergo three hours of make up a day to look more like a younger version of Bruce.

Check out the photos above and below and let us know what you think. Does Gordon-Levitt look like a young Bruce Willis?

In the futuristic action thriller Looper, time travel will be invented – but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into the past, where a “looper” – a hired gun, like Joe – is waiting to mop up. Joe is getting rich and life is good… until the day they decide to “close the loop”, sending back Joe’s future self for assassination.