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Jon Hamm Says He’s Interested In Playing Batman

With it looking more and more likely as time goes on that Ben Affleck will not return as Batman in the franchise formally known as the DCEU, the internet's coughed up several fan favorite actors who could be the next inhabitant of the Batcave. One of those suggestions that's proven hugely popular is Jon Hamm, and it's easy to see why. Apart from the Mad Men star's acting chops, it's not hard to imagine that chiseled jaw poking out from under a cowl.

With it looking more and more likely as time goes on that Ben Affleck will not return as Batman in the franchise formally known as the DCEU, the internet’s coughed up several fan favorite actors who could be the next inhabitant of the Batcave. One of those suggestions that’s proven hugely popular is Jon Hamm, and it’s easy to see why. Apart from the Mad Men star’s acting chops, it’s not hard to imagine that chiseled jaw poking out from under a cowl.

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We’ve heard all sorts of rumors and reports linking Hamm with the role, but what does the man himself think of the idea? While speaking with In Depth, Hamm might’ve made lots of his admirers very happy by admitting that he’s a big fan of the superhero genre and would be interested in the part if the story was good.

“It depends on the script, what the story is. I am a huge comic book fan, always have been. I have read comic books since I was nine or younger. And I am pretty knowledgeable about a lot of them. And I like the genre, and I like when they are done well.”

All that said, Hamm went on to admit that he’s never actually had any official conversations about the job with any Warner Bros. execs, despite the actor hearing talk about himself as a potential Batman for over a decade.

“I have had rumors about that since probably season one of Mad Men. I have never had a conversation with anyone about it, literally. And I’ve sat in the room with all these guys. I have never been offered anything. I think the Internet wants what it wants. But, I mean, a lot of people have to sign off on that, obviously not just the Internet.”

Finally, Hamm speculated on what the practicalities of being Batman would be like. Mostly, it’d involve hitting the gym for some serious work out sessions. However, this doesn’t seem to put the star off, as such, as his final words on the matter are pretty encouraging.

“I’d probably fit the suit. I’d have to work out a lot, which I don’t love. But, I am sure there is an interesting version of that being out there. And if they wanted to tap me on the shoulder and ask me to do it: why not?”

If those stories today are to believed, it sounds like the DC movie franchise is undergoing some major refurbishment at the moment, so Hamm’s opportunity to put his name forward for the part of Bruce Wayne is now. That said, Matt Reeves is apparently looking for a younger actor for his Batman solo movie, but if the cape fits, then maybe the director’s mind can be changed.