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Jon Hamm’s Excited By The Rumors Saying He’s The Next Batman

It's still not been officially confirmed but practically every sign over the past couple of years has told us that Ben Affleck is done in the role of Batman. Given that, fans have thrown out a bunch of known names who could don the cowl next in Matt Reeves' solo film The Batman. One of the most popular is Jon Hamm - if you're not convinced yourself, just check out the many pieces of fan art that make it clear that the Mad Men star would fit the Batsuit pretty well.

It’s still not been officially confirmed, but practically every sign over the past couple of years has told us that Ben Affleck is done in the role of Batman. Given that, fans have thrown out a bunch of known names who could don the cowl next in Matt Reeves’ solo film. One of the most popular is Jon Hamm, and if you’re not convinced yet, just check out the many pieces of fan art that make it clear that theĀ Mad MenĀ star would fit the Batsuit pretty well.

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For his part, Hamm’s delighted by the fact that he’s being linked to the iconic role in any form. When asked by Entertainment Tonight if he enjoyed having his name thrown into the ring for the next Caped Crusader, Hamm admitted that it was “exciting” and touched again on how he’s a fan of superhero movies and is enjoying the growth of the genre.

“My God, yeah, it’s fun. That’s a part of the culture we live in, and we’re making those movies more and more, but they’re also making more creatively and more originally. And sure, it’s always an exciting thing to have your name in the list so that’s great.”

Hamm’s comments here echo his recent confirmation that he’d absolutely be interested in playing Batman if he was ever approached by Warner Bros. However, before his fans get too hyped with the idea, the actor did admit that he’s never spoken with anyone about taking on the role, though not for lack of trying on his part.

It’s all up to Reeves, then, to make the internet’s wish come true and get in contact with Hamm. That said, some reports have suggested that the director’s looking for a much younger Batman, or perhaps a left-field choice like Oscar Isaac. The filmmaker has to go with his personal vision, of course, but it would certainly be a shame if “Bat-Hamm” never actually became a thing.