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Jon M. Chu May Direct Star Trek 3, Alex Kurtzman And Roberto Orci Will Write The Script

With the massive job of directing Star Wars: Episode VII, director J.J. Abrams' plate is pretty full right now. It's so full, in fact, that it seems like he won't be able to direct Star Trek 3 anymore, if recent news from Latino Review is correct.


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Tasked with the massive job of directing Star Wars: Episode VII, director J.J. Abrams’ plate is pretty full right now. It’s so full, in fact, that it seems like he won’t be able to direct Star Trek 3 anymore, if recent news from Latino Review is to be believed.

Apparently, Paramount is already looking for someone to fill Abrams’ seat and they currently have their eye on Jon M. Chu, a man who is currently making the studio a lot of money.

If you’re unfamiliar with the relatively new filmmaker, he first made a name for himself with Step Up 2 and Step Up 3D, two films which were pretty terrible but made enough money for Chu to keep getting jobs. In fact, the next gig he got was Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, which made Paramount a whole lot of money. So much money that they decided to trust him with another huge project: G.I. Joe Retaliation. Once again, pretty mediocre film but it grossed a ton at the box office, which has guaranteed Chu a shot at directing G.I. Joe 3.

So, if this rumor turns out to be true, Paramount may be trusting their new best friend with another huge franchise. And, if the current trend continues, we’ll get another wholly mediocre film that will likely make a ton of money.

Now, the only hiccup here could be that Chu’s current commitments could keep him busy. Aside from G.I. Joe 3 he also has Masters of the Universe in development.

Personally, I’m hoping that this doesn’t work out. Star Trek Into Darkness was a bit underwhelming and the studio really needs someone who can stir things up. Is Jon M. Chu really that guy? Judging by his current resume, I’d say no. But then again, stranger things have happened.

In additional Trek news, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, who penned the 2009 original and co-wrote this year’s sequel, will return to write the script for Star Trek 3.

What do you think of Jon M. Chu directing Star Trek 3? And how about Kurtzman and Orci writing? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.