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‘Jojo Rabbit’ trends as fans come to the defense of Taika Waititi

Just because one didn't work out doesn't mean he's a terrible director.

Taika Waititi
Photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

Fans were mixed when it came to Thor: Love and Thunder for different reasons, despite its success at the box office. But just because one of Taika Waititi‘s films didn’t perform as well doesn’t discount the other art he’s created. Now, fans of Waititi are on the defensive after MCU fans have started arguing that he should never touch another MCU film ever again.

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It all started on Twitter when @ChaplainofC posted a photo of Waititi with the caption “never let this man near another MCU project ever again”.

Others piled on to this, saying that they don’t want to see Waititi work on any other Thor movies and that his success in Thor: Ragnarok was essentially a fluke.

Waititi fans called out these Twitter users by reminding them that Waititi has worked on other successful projects such as Jojo Rabbit and Hunt for the Wilderpeople


And due to fans mentioning Jojo Rabbit on social media, it revived an old discussion about whether or not this film was a “Nazi-apologist” film, with fans pointing out that Waititi played Hitler in the movie. Did anyone watch the film? It’s about a young boy who was a Hitler fanboy but slowly changed his ways. Also… Waititi is Jewish. Needless to say, fans got defensive about this as well.


While there may be people who did not enjoy Thor: Love and Thunder, the film has already earned more than $300 million worldwide at the box office. And sure, it may not be as amazing as Thor: Ragnarok, but at least some fans still appreciated the effort he has put into the film.

Thor: Love and Thunder is now showing in theaters.