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Who Else May Join Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained?

In recent weeks, a lot of actors have dropped out of Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained. Sacha Baron Cohen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kurt Russell and more have all left the highly anticipated film.

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In recent weeks, a lot of actors have dropped out of Quentin Tarantino‘s Django UnchainedSacha Baron Cohen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kurt Russell and more have all left the highly anticipated film.

Fear not though dear reader as Deadline is reporting that the film may be receiving some more star power to make up for the loss. The Weinstein Company recently showed off 10 minutes of their upcoming film at Cannes and Harvey Weinstein spoke about the fact that so many actors have dropped out. He told the audience that the film is still in production for another month and that it may be getting a couple of “surprise” co-stars.

I wouldn’t put it past Mr. Weinstein to just be stirring the pot but this is a Tarantino film after all, which means that they’d have no doubt attracting some A-list talent to fill in for the departed actors.

Like Harvey said though, there’s only another month left of production so if new actors do come on board, we’ll hear about it soon enough.