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Will Joel Edgerton Star In The Bourne Legacy And Snow White?

If you haven't gotten used to Joel Edgerton's name yet, or if you just don't know who he is, then I suggest familiarizing yourself with him ASAP. He'll be starring in Warrior which hits this summer and looks fantastic but more importantly, he could find himself heading up two very big movies, The Bourne Legacy and Snow White and The Huntsman. Vulture is telling us that Universal is looking to lock Edgerton down for both films. The studio's only hesitation is that he may not be a big enough name to play Bourne, which I agree with. Although, as /Film points out, if he's big enough for Snow White and The Huntsman, he should be big enough for Bourne.

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If you haven’t gotten used to Joel Edgerton‘s name yet, or if you just don’t know who he is, then I suggest familiarizing yourself with him ASAP. He’ll be starring in Warrior which hits this summer and looks fantastic but more importantly, he could find himself heading up two very big movies, The Bourne Legacy and Snow White and the Huntsman. Vulture is telling us that Universal is looking to lock Edgerton down for both films. The studio’s only hesitation is that he may not be a big enough name to play Bourne, which I agree with. Although, as /Film points out, if he’s big enough for Snow White and the Huntsman, he should be big enough for Bourne.

But then again, as they go onto point out, Universal is currently under a lot of pressure to get Snow White and the Huntsman made, especially with Relativity starting up on their own version of the classic fairy tale. Plus the film already has Kristen Stewart who should be enough to draw in every girl under 21. So Edgerton could fit in nicely here and although the studio won’t have a huge name like Hugh Jackman, they’ll at least be able to get the project going and off the ground.

As for Bourne, I do agree that he’s not big enough yet to star in the franchise but he may be the right choice. At least when you compare him to some of the other individuals on the list. Sure, director Tony Gilroy could go for a big name but it may be smarter to go with a smaller and more talented name. The Bourne series already has a following and will attract audiences no matter what. Maybe go with someone like Edgerton, who is far more talented than a lot of Hollywood’s new ‘IT’ boys (yes I’m looking at you Alex Pettyfer).

What do you think?