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Joaquin Phoenix switches ‘Joker’ for ‘Napoleon’ in first trailer for Ridley Scott’s next historical epic destined to bomb

Can it reach the same heights?

Director Ridley Scott is at it again with another historical epic, Napoleon, starring Joaquin Phoenix, with the first trailer promising a compelling character study of the French general-turned-emporer.

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Based on the trailer, Napoleon looks suitably grandiose for its subject matter, including featuring breathtaking and exotic vistas, sweeping camera moves in horse-back battle scenes, and Phoenix looking regally reflective in shiny golden throne rooms. 

Personally, my interest has already been piqued, especially since the film will represent a re-teaming of Scott and Phoenix, the latter of whom previously nabbed an Academy Award nomination for his devious role as Commodus in another historical epic and box office smash by the director, 2000’s Best Picture-winner Gladiator. Phoenix would go on to win Oscar glory with 2019’s Joker, a comic book film that perhaps exemplifies how different the cinematic landscape is today compared to when his first nomination happened.

Image via Warner Bros.

It is worth pointing out that today’s audience sensibilities are not what they were back in 2000 and it is therefore no guarantee that Napoleon will reach the same heights of success as Gladiator. In fact, if Scott’s 2021 film The Last Dual is any indication, he could have another box office bomb on his hands. Plus Scott probably did not do himself any favors when he blamed the poor profits of the film on millennials. 

Even though The Last Duel was moderately well-received by critics, and even has its small-but-vocal fanbase, it did not receive anywhere near the same recognition as Gladiator, without so much as a single Oscar nomination to its name. So maybe it wasn’t millennials’ fault that the film tanked after all. 

Hopefully, the director can turn his box office losing streak around when it comes to historical epics once Napoleon hits theaters on Nov. 22 because the movie looks well deserving of such a comeback. But maybe just leave well enough alone when it comes to talking trash about your potential audience, Scott.