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Jeremy Renner And Elizabeth Olsen Team Up Again For Wind River

Looks like Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch, I mean, Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen will be teaming up again. Only this time, it will be for a very different kind of film.


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Looks like Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch, I mean, Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen will be teaming up again. Only this time, it will be for a very different kind of film.

Deadline is reporting tonight that the two stars are set to headline Wind River, a drama from Sicario scribe Taylor Sheridan. The film, which will act as the writer’s directorial debut, heads in front of camera this March in Park City, so expect the rest of the cast to fill up very soon.

As for the plot, Wind River stars Renner as Cory, a man who “works for the Fish and Game Department as a hunter of coyotes and other predators. Suffering from the death of his teen daughter, he stumbles upon the raped body of a teenage girl frozen in the desolate wilderness. A rookie FBI agent (Olsen) unfamiliar with the terrain and weather enlists Cory to help her find those responsible.”

So, as we mentioned before, a far cry from where we’re used to seeing Renner and Olsen, but still, it will be fun to watch them share the screen again. They had a few great scenes in Avengers: Age of Ultron and there’s no reason to think that they won’t produce the same results here. Plus, with a script by Taylor Sheridan, you just know that we’re in for a dark, gritty crime thriller, much in the vein of Sicario, which was one of our favorite films of 2015.

All things considered, Wind River is sounding extremely promising and we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on it as it develops.